The results indicate that the SF-36 and NHP have acceptable degrees of reliability for group level comparisons, convergent and watson soma the validity of purchase soma 250 mg Orange one year after revascularization. In addition, physical functioning SF-36 showed a higher correlation with the energy and may reflect the physical activities of daily living rather than physical mobility. Data analysis was performed for all comparisons using the statistical package SPSS 11. SF-36NHPBodily functioningPainPhysical painPhysical mobilityEmotional healthVitalitySocial functioningMental isolationSF-36Bodily reactionsEnergySocial functioning0 physical pain. 48Critical ischemic claudication n = n = m purchase soma 250 mg Orange valueAge SD167-42P 10. Differences purchase soma 250 mg Orange in characteristics between patients with IC and ICE before revascularization were analyzed using Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U-test. Part I contains 38 yes / no in six dimensions: pain, physical mobility Watson soma, emotional reactions, energy, social isolation and sleep. Finally, the optimal quality of life of the instrument should also be acceptable to patients, simple and easy to use and preferably short.
The comparative analysis between the domains Soma Watson showed that the results of NPH have been more unequal than the SF-36 scores, especially in emotional reactions, energy and the concept of social isolation. Figure 1Frequency distribution of scores on the NHP soma watson dimensions left and comparable SF-36 on the right a year after revascularization. Both sides can be used independently and the second part is not analyzed in this study. IC means intermittent claudication leg pain occurs constantly on foot or by muscular activity and relieved by rest, while the leg CLI CLI means pain even at rest and the problems do not heal ulcers or gangrene.
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